Friday 4 January 2013

Swirlydoos Ultimate Designer Contest 2013

Well to say the girls over at Swirlydoos have kicked off the year with a bang would be a little untrue, in fact they've blasted right into 2013 with a fantastic new contest called the Ultimate Designer Contest!!!!

Now even though it sounds like it has a pretty scary name, this contest is going to be anything but that. A progressive contest where each week one of the designers will teach an awesome new technique, and then the contestants will get a week to play around with the technique and then submit their creation for judging. For those lucky enough to go through to the next round the process will begin again until there is only one creator remaining. This lucky lucky soul will win the prize below worth over $400 and the chance to be offered a place on the uber über talented swirlydoos design team. (Now wouldn't that just be amazing)

Now for those of us who are more likely to go out in the first round, yup I include myself in this category, there will still be spot prizes, you can still play along each cycle to hone your technique skills and most importantly you can use this fantastic comp to get that mojo back creating.

****NOTE**** If you do NOT move forward into the next round of challenges, you can still play along with us and be eligible for RAKS for the duration of the contest! Simply complete the projects and assignments, and upload them into your SB.C or 2 Peas gallery with the title of your project reading as follows: ***Swirlydoos Kit Club, Ultimate Designer Challenge. Week __***

So ladies and gents simply head over to Swirlydoos click on the ultimate designer competition picture and follow the instructions to join in on a fantastic new comp from krissy at swirlydoos and try your hand at winning all that scrummy scrapbook loot.

I hope you'll all join in with us on what is sure to be a fantastic challenge! See you on the forums


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