Thursday 3 January 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy Start to the New Year

Hi guys,

Well first off, here is wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and positive start to the New Year. I know it's kind of a few days late but that kind of a bit like how Christmas and the new year rolled in around here... With a hospital emergency on Christmas Eve for my step mother and exhaustion New Year's Eve, we kind of just stretched things out a day or two to try catchup and now we seem to be there... Finally...

So what's in store for 2013..........

Well so far the health has been stable, for about the fist time in 6 or so years I've had a couple of good weeks all tacked on together, something I have only dreamed about for years. So here is hoping that it continues to roll along this way, and I'm out of hospital for at least three to four months at a time.

Dad and his new wife Chrissy have bought a new house (just around the corner) and are in the process of moving in. Luckily they still have the base house here so they are taking their time and just moving little things at a time and organising as they go. The house is much bigger than chrissy's old house and most importantly it's completely finished, no renovations or work needed and for dad at least it's the perfect house at just about the right time.

So with the next few weeks it looks like we'll be busy moving, cleaning, and sorting before anything else.

So guys hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for the coming year

Take care now

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