Sunday 27 January 2013

Week 2 - Swirlydoos Design Challenge - Such a Cheeky little Monkey

So its the end of week 2 of the Swirlydoos Design Challenge - and the theme this week was Layers, layers and more layers. 

During this week, a large brown box containing the most scrummy January kit supplies from non other than swirlydoos landed on the doorstep. And wow what a kit this is!!! It was just screaming out for being used on the challenge this week..... 

So with the gorgeous kit, a good raiding of my other swirlydoos stash, and a pic i had been dying to scrap, i was off on a layering adventure this week. 

Now i've got to say, that these week deadlines are killin me!! Given that we have so much going on at the moment i'm finding things a little bit of a rush on my end (especially when the ideas are just not wanting to flow!)  But just in time after some rather inopportune computer problems i finally finished this page again featuring my gorgeous little nephew Cody. 

When i saw the colours on this January's Kit i knew they were just screaming out to be used on this photo! What a gorgeous kit!!!! So there are at least 11 layers in here with bits and pieces of layers merged everywhere. 

Now a special thanks to Design Team Member RAE for such a fantastic challenge. I really have had a ball making this one, especially staring at that beautiful picture of my nephew. The little butterflies are from Kaisercraft and have been coloured with different colours of Viva Decor Inka Gold colours. They come up so buffed and shiny, and i have enjoyed learning to play with this new medium. 

Well as another week closes over at Swirlydoos, i wish the designers all the very best for their task of judging again. I really do not envy them in their task of judging all these gorgeous entries

Thanks for joining me


1 comment:

  1. Can not tell you how much I LOVE this! Little Cody is absolutely adorable and you have framed him in utter deliciousness!
