Saturday 31 March 2012

Creative Chemistry 101 - Day 8

Day 8 of Creative Chemistry Paints and Primers

Wow this class is absolutely just flying by. Its already day 8 of the second week and WOW has there been so much to learn. I am so very glad that i signed up, as i really have learned not only how to use some of the Ranger products i had hiding all around the scraproom, but also how to apply these techniques to other products i have also hidden away because they kind of terrify me. CC101 Has now given me the confidence to break out some of those supplies and have a bit of a play. I have now been unchained so to speak (i was going to say unhinged but hey we all know that already!!!) 

So back to Day 8.... Today we played with different types of paints, including crackle paints, and seeing how they interact with the distress range of products.  I didn't have quite enough time to get the crackle paint one done, so here are the first two and i'll update the third one later.

Tech 1. Paint Dabber Resist

Tech 3 - Shattered Stains (now this one was really fun)

Now inking and watching these pieces turn into a stained glass effect was just fantastic. I kind of wanted an older steampunky type effect from this tag and thats exactly how it came out. A little worn and hazy, with the brighter colours of the glass effect. 

So stay tuned for an update to this post very soon with the final tag technique... 

Thanks for stopping by 


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