Tuesday 20 March 2012


So only 3 days out from the Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101 Online course, and disaster!! I have gone and fractured my wrist and arm, cheekbone, toe, torn the ligaments in my shoulder and ended up with multiple bruises to my knees, ribs, chest and arms.

All this with one tiny fall, when my beautiful Cavalier King Charles left a soft toy in the middle of the floor.  I'm convinced the stuffed bear jumped up and grabbed my foot. I'm sure the little devil did it deliberately....

So here are the two culprits looking all innocent!!! if only they knew just how much trouble they have caused!

It wasn't my fault, honest, 

Beware the sleeping dog toy!
So now i am one armed and pretty much out of action but i am still trying to take part in Tim's Classes! Its been quite interesting to try find solution to 
work around so methods, And seeing Tess all pink after the distress stains had a mind of their was quite amusing for me, but maybe not so much for her! So now you have the story on the broken bones and can probably understand why i'm finding things a little difficult right at the moment.!!!

On the good side its only about 6 weeks until my little nephice is born and by then hopefully everything will be healed and i can pick up the gorgeous new addition to the family!!! 

thanks for dropping in

Take care now


1 comment:

  1. Oh no sorry to read your news -hope you can catch up with Creative Chemistry course soon! Thanks for commenting on my blog too.
