Tuesday 20 March 2012

And Day 1 of Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101 has begun

All i can say is WOW what a fantastic start to Day 1 of Creative Chemistry 101 with Tim Holtz.... His video and teaching style are so simple and clear that even i (who can be creatively challenged at the best of times) could easily follow and i even learned some quite critical information all within the first five minutes of the class.

Now Tim the cheeky monkey set us some homework for the first day, but who could really grumble when it was a free pass to go and play with all your supplies and ink and let loose carte blanch all with his permission. For all those starving husbands, wives, and children this evening blame it all on Tim!!!

Now here are a few of my attempts at just testing out inks on paper. Im sorry that the photo quality isn't that good, as they were taken on a mobile phone, and the swatches are very simple however, at the moment i am severely limited by a broken arm and wrist..(now thats another story!)  Now i did actually try to get the distress stains out but when i ended up with a tattered rose coloured dog i decided it was best not to try experiment with the mists and stains just yet!


So even though i'm a bit restricted i did at least attempt to try and get a better understanding of the inks. So stay tuned for more as the course progresses and maybe a bit more using more of the inks if i can persuade someone into being my arms for a few hours!!!

Take Care Now, 



  1. Great idea Tammy! hope your arm is healing well. :)

  2. Glad you were able to participate in Day 1 Tammy, in spite of your arm. I didn't experiment too much, but did sit down at my computer and start making lists of all the different types of inks I have and whether or not they are pigments, etc. Yay, another small step towards being organized!

  3. Wow..Your homework is great! Hope your arm and wrist heals fast!!!
