Saturday 31 March 2012

Creative Chemistry 101 - Day 7

Day 7 of Creative Chemistry 101, was all about Embossing and even though i have tried and tried i still believe i need a bit of practice on this one. I managed to bribe another volunteer for today's class (however this wasn't such an easy task) It seems as soon as i mention anything to do with ink or scrapping all you can see around here is the remains of dust clouds as everyone scarpers to those important appointments they had suddenly remembered!

I actually love embossing and i sure am going to try and continue to improve my technique now that i have developed the other skills to complement the embossing techniques. 

So the line up for today is.........

Tech 1. Nostalgic Batik


Tech 2. Rusted Enamel

And Tech 3. Distress Powder Resist  (Not a great Photograph of this one sorry!)

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to resolve the little flecks of missing powder or like splotches of white around some of the inkings and embossing. They appear to make the embossed image look grainey or like you have used a stamp that is not of a very good quality, i would love to hear some suggestions.... 

Thanks again for stopping by....


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