Saturday 31 March 2012

Creative Chemistry 101 - Day 10

CC101 Our Final Day - Day 10

Well given that today is the final day of teaching from Tim and the gang over at Creative Chemistry 101, it was looking like it would be a bit of a sad occasion. The course has been absolutely fantastic, Tim is an amazing teacher and the effort he has put in along with all his other commitments is just a testament to his personality and willingness to share his art with all. 

So Tim chose to surprise us with a fantastic last project that shimmers and sparkles and wipes all those sad endings away. I think in some ways the fact that i couldn't do all of the techniques in the first few days though is a bit of an extra bonus for me as now i can go back and it will still feel like tim is teaching me a new class even though its all over!! 

Well enough of the prattling here is the final Technique tag made by me for the class

Tech 1. Rock Candy Distress Stickles

And here its is

 My final days tag for CC101. I tried to get the sparkle in the second image but it didn't really capture it all that well. Needless to say this baby really sparkles. 

Once again thanks for checking in


Creative Chemistry 101 - Day 8

Day 8 of Creative Chemistry Paints and Primers

Wow this class is absolutely just flying by. Its already day 8 of the second week and WOW has there been so much to learn. I am so very glad that i signed up, as i really have learned not only how to use some of the Ranger products i had hiding all around the scraproom, but also how to apply these techniques to other products i have also hidden away because they kind of terrify me. CC101 Has now given me the confidence to break out some of those supplies and have a bit of a play. I have now been unchained so to speak (i was going to say unhinged but hey we all know that already!!!) 

So back to Day 8.... Today we played with different types of paints, including crackle paints, and seeing how they interact with the distress range of products.  I didn't have quite enough time to get the crackle paint one done, so here are the first two and i'll update the third one later.

Tech 1. Paint Dabber Resist

Tech 3 - Shattered Stains (now this one was really fun)

Now inking and watching these pieces turn into a stained glass effect was just fantastic. I kind of wanted an older steampunky type effect from this tag and thats exactly how it came out. A little worn and hazy, with the brighter colours of the glass effect. 

So stay tuned for an update to this post very soon with the final tag technique... 

Thanks for stopping by 


Creative Chemistry 101 - Day 7

Day 7 of Creative Chemistry 101, was all about Embossing and even though i have tried and tried i still believe i need a bit of practice on this one. I managed to bribe another volunteer for today's class (however this wasn't such an easy task) It seems as soon as i mention anything to do with ink or scrapping all you can see around here is the remains of dust clouds as everyone scarpers to those important appointments they had suddenly remembered!

I actually love embossing and i sure am going to try and continue to improve my technique now that i have developed the other skills to complement the embossing techniques. 

So the line up for today is.........

Tech 1. Nostalgic Batik


Tech 2. Rusted Enamel

And Tech 3. Distress Powder Resist  (Not a great Photograph of this one sorry!)

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to resolve the little flecks of missing powder or like splotches of white around some of the inkings and embossing. They appear to make the embossed image look grainey or like you have used a stamp that is not of a very good quality, i would love to hear some suggestions.... 

Thanks again for stopping by....


Creative Chemistry 101 Day 5

Hey Guys!!

Well sorry for being a bit slow on the blogging, the whole broken bones thing has really slowed me up a bit!!! In fact it slowed me up so much i couldn't do much of the initial tim holtz course until around Day 5 when i managed to snag a victim ( i mean volunteer, lol) to help out a bit with holding things etc. I tell you ink really is designed for making a mess of both hands not just one!

So without further adieu here are my attempt at Day 5 - Spray Inks and Stains.. Now boy was this element fun!! I don't think Dad (my victim errr i mean volunteer) quite understands my love for all things inky but he sure was thrown in at the deep end!!


Now the Stamping with stains technique No 2 above actually looks much better up close. I chose a damask stamp which was then inked with picket fence for the resist part. I have tried to capture a better view of the outcome in the next photo.

In this picture you can see the beautiful pattern the picket fence has made in the background. 

Now i really struggled with the marbled stain technique trying to get anything that didn't look all mucky and brown. My first hint maybe try not to use walnut, or vintage photo in the initial staining unless that really is the look you are after (ie See Below)

Marbled stains technique first attempt.

So i retried this a couple of times until i was happy with the colour outcome.  
So a big thanks to Dad for all his help, i couldn't have done these one handed without him. And all i can say is roll on Day 6!!!

Thanks for stopping by 


Tuesday 20 March 2012


So only 3 days out from the Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101 Online course, and disaster!! I have gone and fractured my wrist and arm, cheekbone, toe, torn the ligaments in my shoulder and ended up with multiple bruises to my knees, ribs, chest and arms.

All this with one tiny fall, when my beautiful Cavalier King Charles left a soft toy in the middle of the floor.  I'm convinced the stuffed bear jumped up and grabbed my foot. I'm sure the little devil did it deliberately....

So here are the two culprits looking all innocent!!! if only they knew just how much trouble they have caused!

It wasn't my fault, honest, 

Beware the sleeping dog toy!
So now i am one armed and pretty much out of action but i am still trying to take part in Tim's Classes! Its been quite interesting to try find solution to 
work around so methods, And seeing Tess all pink after the distress stains had a mind of their was quite amusing for me, but maybe not so much for her! So now you have the story on the broken bones and can probably understand why i'm finding things a little difficult right at the moment.!!!

On the good side its only about 6 weeks until my little nephice is born and by then hopefully everything will be healed and i can pick up the gorgeous new addition to the family!!! 

thanks for dropping in

Take care now


And Day 1 of Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101 has begun

All i can say is WOW what a fantastic start to Day 1 of Creative Chemistry 101 with Tim Holtz.... His video and teaching style are so simple and clear that even i (who can be creatively challenged at the best of times) could easily follow and i even learned some quite critical information all within the first five minutes of the class.

Now Tim the cheeky monkey set us some homework for the first day, but who could really grumble when it was a free pass to go and play with all your supplies and ink and let loose carte blanch all with his permission. For all those starving husbands, wives, and children this evening blame it all on Tim!!!

Now here are a few of my attempts at just testing out inks on paper. Im sorry that the photo quality isn't that good, as they were taken on a mobile phone, and the swatches are very simple however, at the moment i am severely limited by a broken arm and wrist..(now thats another story!)  Now i did actually try to get the distress stains out but when i ended up with a tattered rose coloured dog i decided it was best not to try experiment with the mists and stains just yet!


So even though i'm a bit restricted i did at least attempt to try and get a better understanding of the inks. So stay tuned for more as the course progresses and maybe a bit more using more of the inks if i can persuade someone into being my arms for a few hours!!!

Take Care Now, 


Thursday 8 March 2012

Tim Holtz Online Class - The Countdown

Well its only 11 days remaining until the beginning of the king of scrapbooking Mr Tim Holtz himself begins his new online card course called Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101. 

If you have not managed to hear about this fabulous event via the scrappy grapevine hop on over to the following link (Tim Holtz Class) and have a bit of a nose around and you can see just what all the fuss has been about!  

Tim's online class runs from March the 19th to April 2nd, and boy, am I sure looking forward to trying to pick up a few tips and tricks along the way.  

If you two decide to come along and join in all the fun, please do drop me a note and see you at the classes!!!! 

  • Creative Chemistry 101 Features:
  • Instructional videos
  • Downloadable PDFs with daily content
  • Daily emails to let you know that new content is in the classroom
  • Printable technique labels
  • Class forum
  • Student Gallery to see work from fellow students
  • Discount codes to online stores
  • Prizes
  • Dates: March 19 – April 2, 2012

Monday 5 March 2012

Feb Swirly Hues Entry - Finally

And without further adieu here it is. The final page for the February 2012 Swirly Hues Challenge over at Swirlydoos. The challenge was to use a set colour palette, (pink, orange, and light blue), combined with an interpretation of another stunning beggahuna sketch, and combining the use of a swirlydoos tutorial. And here is the resulting outcome. It actually does look much deeper and richer in person, but given that the weather has been so bad here there was not a great deal of natural light to really bring out that depth.

For the tutorials i have actually used two techniques displayed on the forums. Firstly the title has been created based upon the Sugared letter tutorial of the most talented Lisa G.  As you can see below i have inked some base white thickers alphabets, with 3 colours of tim holtz distress inks (Tumbled Glass, Spiced Marmalade, and Fired Brick) and then coated with some glossy accents, before being covered in  Martha Stewart clear glass microbeads. Now the only change to my technique is the fact that i chose not to stamp into the background before putting the beads on as i wanted more of a sunset look to the letters rather than a texty etc look.

The second tutorial which i chose to use was a little older one by another of our talented members and former designer Bonnie. Bonnie showed us how to dye ribbon with tim holtz distress inks, and using this instruction i have used the Distress stain in Tattered Rose which came with this months Swirlydoos kit to dye the scrunched ribbon also in the kit this month, to match the pink colour of the flowers and the rest of the page. 

A big thanks to all the girls who have contributed the the tutorial sections and providing us with sooooo much inspiration to work from!! 

Staying with the Tim Holtz theme the corners of each page have been stamped with a Heartfelt Creations Stamp from the Feather Grass Flourish Set, covered in TH embossing ink and then followed up with TH embossing powder (Faded Jeans) to get that weathered type look and feel. A Martha Stewart leaves punch was used to get the little pink branches, which were punched from cardstock from the feb kit and then treated to a TH Tattered Rose distress stain bath. Most of the flowers are Prima Printery Collection also from the from the feb kit, but there are also a few i have made up myself poking out here and there.

If you would like any further info, please don't hesitate to ask!! I'm only too happy to answer anything i can and comments are really cool!!

Thanks for taking the time to pop in

Take Care Now


Thursday 1 March 2012

Still no final Swirly Hues page but it is getting there.

Ok so i have managed to do very little actual scrapping again over the past few days. Exhaustion and some diabetes issues have put a rather large dent in things and then the weather decided to go and play unhappy bears and begin raining, thundering, storming and flooding. All of course just to keep us on our toes. 

The current page which i am attempting to complete for the Swirlyhues Challenge over at Swirlydoos, is about half done, but as usual the weather is that bad i cant even get a half decent sneak peek pic of it.. so you will all have to wait and pray that the sun comes out for a few hours so it can be finished and photographed. 

Now a word of advice when it comes to family weddings.... RUN.... and Run very very fast not letting on to anyone that you have any organisational or artistic talent whatsoever!!! Ok now this may seem a bit drastic but going off experience at hand i have so far come to the conclusion that designing wedding schemes for prospective brides is almost as difficult as attempting to catch clouds and bottle them. Not to mention the time it actually takes you away from the scrap table! - I suppose it wouldn't be half as much a battle if everything wanted to attempt to run on time and on plan, however, so far of the 5 venues we have attempted to book, one is being demolished a week before the wedding, one is being sold and redeveloped three weeks before the wedding, the roof has fallen in on another and they are now up for renovating, the fourth wants to charge a room hire supplement fee of 5 times the cost of the wedding reception because we would be 3 numbers short of their requirements, and the final is almost a shed in the middle of a farm with no accommodation nearby, dirt entrances and very poor hygiene facilities. So that is the beginnings of the trouble for the wedding planning. Add in two very distinctly different personalities, with, questions like do we actually need to test the cake? and you can see wedding planning is not for the faint hearted!!! 

So without further adieu i shall head back off to the scrap room and go bury my head in some paper while i try to diligently finish this page which is awaiting my return. 

Now if anyone knows of a local cake maker who operates in the Wyndham Vale / Werribee area of Victoria, Australia who can do specialty multi tiered wedding cakes, made in the brides choice of Royal Icing coverage, at a reasonable price, please do send me a message! All recommendations would be highly appreciated!

Thanks for visiting now! 

Take Care, Kindest Regards 
