Tuesday 7 February 2012

My First Scrapbook Layout to be Posted

So to say i'm a little bit excited is probably a bit of an understatement. After weeks of work (yes this one sat around for almost two months due to constant interruptions) i have finally finished my latest layout, and i'm just so pleased at how it has turned out.

The photo which turned out to be just perfect for this kit, was quite as a surprise as it was just a mess around kind of a shot. When teamed with the beautiful Love Games papers included in the Swirlydoos Mon Amour Kit (past kit September 2010). the results could really be nothing other than fantastic.

The pic of my lovely muse Chrissy has been run through photoshop cs5 and been treated with the amazing background textures from the florabella collection. A collection which to be quite honest, is not only worth the price, but also that i have slowly learned, that i can not live without. Thanks to the lovely Lisa Gregory Queen florabella enabler over at Swirlydoos.

The background and photo mats have all been created using a combination of some of my favourite Martha Stewart punches. These punches i find have added so much more visual creativity whilst requiring such a small outlay of effort. 

So i dont cover ground that many an experienced scrapper has already discovered i wont go into every detail as to how the layout was completed. However if anyone has any questions whatsoever about the page or any techniques that i have used i'll be only to pleased to answer. 

I just hope that someone out there is able to gain a little inspiration from the wonderful products now on the market. If i can enable anyone to find just that right product then its certainly all been worth it! 

Take Care 


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