Sunday 5 February 2012

Cyclone Clean Up is Complete

Deep Breath, Deep Breath, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. So after a week of almost completely destroying the house, Cyclone Cleanup now appears to have left the vicinity and things are finally beginning to look a little cleaner and more organised.

A little background.... With family visitors expected to be arriving in early Feb, it was decided that all my scrappy goodness (ie Scrap C**p) to everyone else, would have to be relocated from the office (unofficially my scrap room) to other locations in the house code for out of the way in my bedroom. But in order to do that a whole new set of bedroom furniture was required.

After a quick trip to IKEA for an Expedit Storage Shelf Unit, it was all go as things were nailed, pulled apart, hammered, torn up, redesigned and finally stored, restored and then the finishing touches added.

As a part of Project Cleanup i found that some sort of hanging device was needed to hang all the lovely stores and supplies of Prima that i have collected along the way. After throwing a few ideas at my amazing Father, below are some photos of what he was able to produce. Its absolutely fabulous, works completely perfectly, and i cant believe how much its helped out.

Multi layered Home made clip it up type rotating organiser. Which cost around $40 AUD all up. Given dad's penchant for going just a little over on the materials, we were actually able to produce two (a smaller 2 tier unit and then this taller 4 tier corner unit).

Below are some further close ups of the Unit,

UPDATE:- Well thats about all for this post. Seen as its already two weeks late. The last weeks have been spent back in the hospital again having surgery and trying to recover. So whilst im am totally frustrated at not being able to play at all with any of my goodies at least at the moment i can sit and try to plan some ideas. 

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