Friday 17 August 2012

A Little Toot! - Achievement

Okay so i know its been a while again but i just couldn't not share the following fantastic little piece of news with my family and friends!

Simply out of the blue one of my layouts (Kyoto) has been selected and photographed for the August Edition of Australian Scrapbooking Memories! How amazing. I'm a little bit excited!! So if you are interested pop on over to the Magazine and have a bit of a look. There is a tiny version of it on the index page (bottom Left) and then a larger version later on in the magazine. Now i couldn't have achieved this without the amazing talent and encouragement from the girls over at swirlydoo's so a big thanks to them. And another little thank you goes out to the lovely, lovely, staff of  A Scrappangels Heaven, my LSS, who's encouragement really really goes a long way... (Girls you know who you are!!)

So here are a couple of snap pics of the mag! Hope you all enjoy!

Ok so i guess you can all tell i'm just a little bit excited about this achievement, for those of you who know me personally, you'll understand that whilst i know i wont be able to go climbing Mt Everest any time soon, i still have managed to achieve a little goal of having something published... Its so nice to prove myself wrong for a change!! lol...

So a big thanks for dropping by...


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