Saturday 18 August 2012

2 Kits in One Day!!! I'm in Heaven

Yes you read it 2 Swirlydoos kits arrived on the same day!! For those of ou who didn't actually hear the whooping with delight already, i can tell you, it was a fantastic moment!! All those goodies YAY...

But before i get into showing you the promotional pics of each kit first i should explain that no its not really normal for 2 kits to arrive at the same time, they really are supposed to arrive month by month, however this July my kit decided it might like to go on a bit of a sightseeing trip to canada, before heading off out here to Aus.... So with all its stealth it tricked Krissy into sending it off in the wrong direction and then attempted to grab her camera so it could take pics on its journey... Luckily for me it was apprehended on Maria's doorstep where it was trying to convince its travel companion and new love interest (Maria's kit) to elope with it on a round the world journey. However Maria's box could simply not imagine leaving her owner desperate to receive the concealed scrapbooking goodies, and thus aided in the capture and rerouting of the said rogue kit back on its course out to Australia.

So with much trouble and a good talking to, the July Swirlydoos Kit - The Paper Doll, as seen below in the promo pic

Has finally arrived. Unfortunately it did not supply me with photographs or postcards of where it had been, but i'm so pleased to actually be able to play with it. The kit is full of beautiful pastel colours and one of the most exciting parts is the Martha Stewart Clay Kit which is included. I cant wait to get my hands into this.

And if that was not enough excitement for one day the second August Swirlydoos kit - Vintage Traditions was also in the same van!! Now this little box behaved itself and made it out here with all haste and is full of all sorts of vintage goodies.

From Kaisercraft, Maya Road, 7 Gypsies, to Prima and Petaloo the kit is full of surprising little bits and pieces. Take a look at the pic below to see how the main kit looks...

Along with a cute little kaisercraft family tree, this kit is sure to keep you going for hours and hours!!

So a big thanks to Krissy over at Swirlydoos for some gorgeous scrappy supplies, and now i'm off to play....



Friday 17 August 2012

A Little Toot! - Achievement

Okay so i know its been a while again but i just couldn't not share the following fantastic little piece of news with my family and friends!

Simply out of the blue one of my layouts (Kyoto) has been selected and photographed for the August Edition of Australian Scrapbooking Memories! How amazing. I'm a little bit excited!! So if you are interested pop on over to the Magazine and have a bit of a look. There is a tiny version of it on the index page (bottom Left) and then a larger version later on in the magazine. Now i couldn't have achieved this without the amazing talent and encouragement from the girls over at swirlydoo's so a big thanks to them. And another little thank you goes out to the lovely, lovely, staff of  A Scrappangels Heaven, my LSS, who's encouragement really really goes a long way... (Girls you know who you are!!)

So here are a couple of snap pics of the mag! Hope you all enjoy!

Ok so i guess you can all tell i'm just a little bit excited about this achievement, for those of you who know me personally, you'll understand that whilst i know i wont be able to go climbing Mt Everest any time soon, i still have managed to achieve a little goal of having something published... Its so nice to prove myself wrong for a change!! lol...

So a big thanks for dropping by...
