Thursday 19 April 2012

Introducing my Nephice - Cody James

After what seems like an eternity of waiting for me, finally last monday my gorgeous little Nephew (Cody James) entered the world. The Squishy Wishy little man wasn't really quite ready to join us but after some complications arose he was induced and is now safe and sound in Mum and Dads arms.

Congrats to my amazing Sister and her fantastic husband (my brother in law) Even though my BIL had a few hard moments to deal with himself, His Strength of character has proven to be just what the pair both needed and we are all so proud of the way they have both coped without the benefits of family help and mainly on their own.

So without further adieu here is a pic of the little man himself. Welcome Cody i cant wait to begin to get to know you little nephew!


Thanks for stopping by! 


1 comment:

  1. Oh my Tammy! He is just ADORABLE!! Can't wait to see the layouts you'll be creating. Congratulations on such a sweet new arrival.
