Monday 25 May 2015

Catching Up or Beginning Again.

Hi Everyone,

Well its been a long time since well anything has happened on my poor abandoned blog.

A run of bad health, the addition of two very naughty Burmese kittens, beginning law school at not one but two Universities, oh and did I mention some BAD HEALTH... has kept me firmly away from the pc..

The Scrapbook hoarding came to an dramatic end with Tools, Paper, Everything and yes I mean everything being donated out the door to the local charity shop... Who were ever so grateful and majorly surprised and did check to see if I had a temperature or needed medical attention. Although I have at moments regretted the actions I have continued to collect although in a much more controlled manner.

Time is now not really on my side but I'm going to try aim to do a blog a week to keep all the family etc... up on what's going on, and to try keep me a little more sane. Yes I can hear you all laughing at that idea already. Hmmm the idea of me being sane...

As a quick roundup,

Have just returned from another stint with the most wonderful Nurses and Doctors of St Vincents Hospital Melbourne and I really have to shout this young doctors name from the roof tops....

Miss Monica Mc Gauran

Thankyou for everything.. you are an absolute delight, your skills already are so well developed you would easily pass for a fully qualified specialist. And Monica, please please do come help me out with some time management and organisational skills. If I had half of yours gosh life would be a breeze.

Exam week begins with an Exam at 9 am tomorrow morning and yes its 2 am but I can't sleep.

So I shall leave it here for now and begin again this week to hopefully catch everyone up on whats been going on!!
