Wednesday 25 July 2012

A new page and its been a long time....

Well its been a long time since posts! Almost two months and well a lot has gone on in those weeks..

With the arrival of my sisters new baby, (and the little man suffering from some mighty colic to present quite a challenge for the new parents), the wedding plans in full force, a couple of rounds of surgery thrown in amongst it, and to top it all off a rather frustrating car purchase, life has been quite interesting if not full on for a while now. Unfortunately the downside of things being so hectic has meant that there has been very little scrap time available.

I have however managed to get a few little things done including this one page dedicated to my wonderfully supportive father, made with the April Swirlydoos kit.

The page is a mixture of Prima papers, flowers, stamps and elements, Kaisercraft stamps and rubbons, dusty attic chipboard elements and martha stewart punches amongst other things.

The four diamond flowers have been stamped with Prima mosaics square stamp and then trimmed up each of the four sides before being folded into triangle flowers. This idea originally came from the most talented Irene Tan also known as scrapperlicious. Please do visit her blog and check out her amazing talent.

Once again thanks to Krissy for a fantastic kit this month.